Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is my first post since Jake's birthday! He's an old man now! 30! I love Jake so much and am so happy that I actually get to be married to my best friend. Brett has been so sick and I was so sick on Jake's birthday, so we haven't celebrated it all at once but every day, Bella and I do something nice for him and say 'Happy Birthday'! So we're just spreading out the joy! He's such an important part of our lives and he works so hard so I can do what is most important in life, stay home with our children. I think it's such a blessing to do so and to have a husband that is so supportive of me. Jake ROCKS! Here are 5 things I love about him:
1. His pretty eyes
2. He's like a big teddy bear
3. He's the best dad/husband EVER!
4. He's always there for me, whether it be a hug, a listening ear or a helping hand.
5. We always laugh together, Kesha (one of my BFF's!) calls us the giggling school girls, because Jake and I usually are having the best time together.
6. Jake's always hugging me or kissing me, I love that kind of affection! I think if he wasn't that way, I would be sad!
7. He's so tenacious and always setting out to go above and beyond, he's the hardest worker I know.
8. He honors his priesthood. It's so nice to get a blessing when we need one!
9. I love just hanging out with him and talking with him, he always has something interesting to talk about.
10. He's truly the best, in every way!
I love you Jake! Happy Birthday! May your thirties be the best EVER! XOxxOoxX oo XX OO xo


Jenny said...

Yay! Tell your hubby happy birthday from us! 30 huh?! That's old! Just teasing. I'm quickly coming up to it! Sigh. Happy birthday to you Joanna too, soon!!!!

Tori said...

hey Joanna,
I hope you are feeling better. Tell Jake Happy Birthday!!!

Karole said...

Oh I miss you guys:( Tell Jake Happy LATE birthday and that we love him!!! You need to post pics of your kids...I'm dying to see them!

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Jake. Ben just turned 30 too. I can't believe how old we are getting. It sounds like you guys are doing good. Joanna you need to post some pics of your kids because they have both probably changed so much since I saw them last. Actually i've never seen your little boy in person yet. Anyway I hope you guys are doing good and hope i'll see ya soon.

Hoggan and Julie said...

What a cute little family you have - It is nice to have family bloggers to keep up on their lives.

Gardners Glad Tidings said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope you guys had a great Christmas.

Karole said...

Hey Jo,
Thanks for the comment!!! We miss you guys too and would love for you to come visit:) That would make my day, week, month & year! I hope all is well and that you had a good Christmas. How is Moroni? Are you liking it? I bet you love having your very own house! Ya, we bought our couch when we moved down your's a sectional? If so, it's the same one! Love those couches they are so forgiving with kids:) Love and miss you guys!!!

DCAja said...